November 10, 2008

Study about Serious Virtual Worlds

To download the study please click the picture.
To download the study please click the picture.

Sara de Freitas wrote a study about virtual worlds. In fact the study is named "Serious Virtual Worlds" and is a part of the JISC e-Learning Programme. I have not read the study so far but I´m pretty sure that it includes some useful Statistics and interesting points of view, if you are interested in virtual worlds generally.

The study prepared 5 case studies in the following categories: # Role-Play worlds, # Social Worlds, # Working Worlds, # Training Worlds and # Mirror Worlds.
Thanks to Sara for her work, it helps virtual worlds to be taken serious besides entertainment and besides the fear of some people (well, mostly politicians) that virtual worlds might be a drug and make teenagers escape from reality. Virtual worlds are a lot more and they will be a part of peoples future life.

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