November 25, 2008

Facebook and the Chat-Bug

To read Michaels post click the screenshot.

To read Michaels post click the screenshot.

Is it a bug or is it designed to be a feature? Some facebook users got messages from the system, that they had sent too many chat messages and therefor are not allowed to send any more. Michael Arrington is wondering about it in his techcrunch post.

November 20, 2008

Google Lively to shut down its Teenage 3D Avatar Chat Rooms in December

Read the original Google Blog why Lively is shutting down
Read the original Google Blog why Lively is shutting down

Livelys days are numbered. This is a really surprising news for today, published by the official Google blog. I am sure that the news will arose a pretty big discussion about virtual worlds. Why did Lively fail or what did Google expect from Lively?

There are a lot of questions. I would like to know how many users Lively attracted and how much time the avarage user spent in world with theit 3D avatars and rooms.
My personal assumption is that the users rooms were too separate and there was not enough public space to meet. Separate rooms work for social networks like cyworld and stardoll, while they are not live waiting in their rooms to be visited or if there is enough virtual space infrastructure to connect the rooms like it is in Habbo. But Lively intended to be live, so this is a different pre-condition.

Lets see which reasons will be discussed in the blogosphere in the next days.

November 19, 2008

Join the Virtual Worlds Group at LinkedIn

Wirtaual Worlds Group at LinkedIn
Virtual Worlds Group at LinkedIn

Did you know? There is Virtual Worlds group in professional social network LinkedIn, initiated by my daily readingvirtual worlds news. If you like to join the network just klick the screenshot and login.
See you there.

November 17, 2008

Me.dium enters search...

Social Browsing start-up Me.dium just changed its name and mission. The company is now called OneRiot, and is a social search engine that finds the pulse of the web. Like other search engines, OneRiot keeps a running record of the contents of the Internet. However, unlike other search engines, OneRiot prioritizes that information based on its current popularity with our community. This makes OneRiot's search results relevant, fresh, friendly, and pulsing with the real-time energy of the web. Sounds interesting. Check it out at:

November 14, 2008

Business 3.0: weblin in Silicon Valley

Dave Drach blogging about german Start-ups

Dave Drach blogging about german Start-ups

As some might know, Microsoft runs a Start-up Accelerator Program in several countries. The program is called "unternimm was" in Germany and led by Dr. Carsten Rudolph. weblin is one of the 20 supported companies. Every year there is a campus trip to visit the Microsoft headquarter and interesting people like strategic Microsoft VIPs and journalists. This year weblin got the chance to join the journey with a handful of other start-ups like,, and Jan Andresen, weblins CEO has met Dave Drach, who is the Director of Microsoft’s U.S. VC and Emerging Business Team. Dave mentioned the visit of the german start-ups in his blog. To read his full article please click the pic.

November 10, 2008

Halloween weblin Video by Lalla

Thanks to lalla64 you can find a very cool video on YouTube watching the weblin Halloween party.
There are so many scary Avatars, chatting, dancing, having fun. Check it out.

Study about Serious Virtual Worlds

To download the study please click the picture.
To download the study please click the picture.

Sara de Freitas wrote a study about virtual worlds. In fact the study is named "Serious Virtual Worlds" and is a part of the JISC e-Learning Programme. I have not read the study so far but I´m pretty sure that it includes some useful Statistics and interesting points of view, if you are interested in virtual worlds generally.

The study prepared 5 case studies in the following categories: # Role-Play worlds, # Social Worlds, # Working Worlds, # Training Worlds and # Mirror Worlds.
Thanks to Sara for her work, it helps virtual worlds to be taken serious besides entertainment and besides the fear of some people (well, mostly politicians) that virtual worlds might be a drug and make teenagers escape from reality. Virtual worlds are a lot more and they will be a part of peoples future life.

November 07, 2008

weblin is one of the hottest private mediatech companies in Europe: check out Mediatech 100

Mediatech 100 screenshot. to get there please click the pic
Mediatech 100 screenshot. to get there please click the pic

Again great news for weblin. The Library House 2008 Mediatech 100 represents the hottest 100 private mediatech companies in Europe - and weblin is one of these! We are very proud and happy to be part of this group of famous and successful companies. Weblin is listed in the category of Community and Sharing, where we are in very good neighbourhood with another Hamburg based company "". Congratulations to Sven and Daniel, maybe we meet on Tuesday in London to attend the awards event.